New season

We are beginning a new season in the church ,it is my passion that we begin new ministry in the church .I’m looking forward for folk ,members and new members who are coming into the church to take up ministry ,we stand in need of deacons and trustees and study school teachers .and so it is my hope my dream that amazing grace ministries will move stronger and faster and harder in a new season to come,loud please be a blessing to those who read this blog.


I thought the meeting went very well and I look forward to seminars on ministry i’m looking forward to the upcoming events on the 24 of this month . I know the food menu will be taken care of and it’s gonna be a great day, God bless everyone have a blessed day.

Psalms 146 one through 10 today’s sermon was on hold how we continue to praise God and how can we praise God when things are not going well and we praise God when all hell is breaking loose give me praise God that we don’t have we praise God and were so needy yes if you continue to praise looks with the name of Jesus your praises will be but you will be met God will bless you but you got to pray and you got to praise you got to lift them up